Saturday, March 13, 2010

At the Movies...

We love the Olympics. Just love ‘em. They make us feel good about ourselves because every time a record is set, the entire human species evolves. But we’re mostly fat & lazy, you say? Well, not every cheetah’s top speed is 65 MPH, I say. Not every african elephant weighs in at 14,000 lbs, I say. So there, I rest my case.

Well, it was brought to our attention by some new friends that the Beacon Cinema had been showing the prime time Olympic events on the big screen for free every night. We didn’t make it until the last friday, and we were kicking ourselves for not going sooner and more often.

To start, it was a nice night. The snow was falling fairly heavily, but it was warm enough that the flakes were that huge kind that stick to everything and kinda frost the landscape.

I was also reminded within moments of stepping outside with Becca how well this type of snow makes snowballs. I tucked the offense into the back of my mind, bearing in mind which temperature revenge is best served at.

So the Beacon is pretty swanky. But, having worked at the Nickelodeon, anything with carpeting & cup holders impresses me, so I may have been too easily impressed. Until I learned that they served beer in the upstairs lounge (See? Upstairs lounges are swanky, right?). Still not convinced? They’ve got an escalator, for crying out loud!

There’s no pleasing some people.

At any rate, we met up with our friends, who were a little late and chagrinned to know that the upstairs lounge stops serving after the last show stops selling. But we had fun watching speed skating, then watching bobsledding, then watching the entire theater go dark because the staff forgot to tell us they were shutting down and that we should perhaps leave. We still managed to catch a few minutes of men’s hockey on the lounge TV with the janitors.

We stepped out onto North Street and to a few more inches of snow. It could’ve been a perfectly romantic moment, but my bruised ego would not be sated until I’d blasted Becca with a snowball. Fortunately, laughter and romance are interchangeable in any healthy relationship.

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